Written by Kula

Lucky Star is a slice-of-life anime made by Kyoto Animation, which started airing in April of 2007. This series follows a cast of four girls as they work their way through high school.

Konata Izumi

Konata Izumi is the otaku of the group of girls, often playing games or watching anime instead of studying, resulting in unstable grades. She’s a smart girl, but she chooses to copy her friend’s homework. Konata is called Kona-chan by Tsukasa, something the other girls don’t do.

I like her character because she seems more realistic. She doesn’t want to do schoolwork, despite her being smart, and instead plays games all day. I relate to her because I love anime and games but studying seems boring.

Tsukasa Hiiragi

Tsukasa is the younger of the Hiiragi twins. She’s often overshadowed due to not being as smart or athletic as her sister. She’s clumsy and dimwitted which causes her to not have great grades. She often oversleeps, even when someone is trying to wake her up. Tsukasa is more feminine than her sister so she dons a yellow ribbon in her hair.

I also find this character relatable. She needs help often for simple tasks, and she’s not particularly special. I relate to some parts, like being hard to wake up and tending to be more feminine.

Kagami Hiiragi

Kagami is the older twin of Tsukasa. Kagami, unlike her sister, is more of a Tsundere rather than gentle. She teases Konata even though she deeply cares for all her friends and family. While being better at studies and gym compared to her sister, she’s not nearly as good at cleaning or cooking compared to her. Unlike her sister and Konata, she gets great grades and studies hard.

I personally don’t relate to Kagami nearly as much as the others. Though, she’s still a decent character. I’d say she’s one of the weaker characters, but that’s just my opinion.

Miyuki Takara

Miyuki is my personal favorite character (I may be a bit biased). Miyuki is a smart girl and has a beautiful design. She seems more put together compared to the others, and gets good grades. She studies and Konata commonly copies her homework. Her eyes are purple, making them the most unnatural compared to the rest of the main cast.

I don’t relate to Miyuki persay, but I do adore her character and personality. She’s shy, and acts like a portable wiki. She’s the most developed of the main four with her being the tallest out of them.

Personally, I adore this anime and would watch it again. It’s funny and relatable, and extremely enjoyable. I suggest only watching this show if you’re a fan of slice-of-life anime and comedy anime, or anime similar to Nichijou which was made by the same studio.


Lucky Star is an enjoyable, slice-of-life comedy.

The cast is very well written.

The designs tell you about the characters and how they may act.

Some of the voice actors also worked in Haruhi Suzumiya

The show is easy to pick up and drop or skip episodes and not miss much.


The show has very simple designs and backgrounds, and the movements are very minor. (This is also a plus)

Sometimes it’s difficult to remember some of the minor characters, but this is expected.

Overall, a solid 7.5/10. I recommend.

TL;DR, the show is a slice-of-life comedy with enjoyable characters. I recommend watching it.